Instructional Design Experience
Part-Time Teaching Faculty
Teaching Assistant
English Language Instructor

Chalk board covered with words and decorated paper masks. Photo by Kathryn Urbaniak. Taken 2019 at Project Someone / Concordia University workshop "Remixing the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts".
Concordia University - School of Graduate Studies
International Civil Aviation Organization - Global Aviation Training
McGill University / Health Canada
McGill University - School of Continuing Studies
Project Someone / Concordia University
University of Alberta - Faculty of Native Studies
University of Alberta - Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
AllTrain / CN
IC Axon / GSK / Mylan / AstraZeneca / Abbott
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) / Bombardier
Dawson College
Department of Education, Concordia University
Winter 2025 ETEC 673: Consulting Skills for Educational Technologists
This course prepares educational technologists to adopt the consultative approach that is central to the profession. Specifically, this course develops the key competencies needed in consultative work in schools, higher education, workplace learning groups and non-profit organizations. These competencies include building awareness of the client organization, supporting clients in making effective choices, developing agreements with clients (including agreements regarding the scope, schedule and budget of projects—and managing project communications), planning for and managing changes throughout a project, and interacting effectively with clients.
Department of Education, Concordia University
Fall 2024 EDUC 240: Introduction to Training and Development
Winter 2024 CHST 606: Qualitative Methods of Inquiry
L'École de langues, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Montreal, Canada
ILSC, Montreal, Canada
Wallace College, Edinburgh, Scotland
British School of Lecce, Lecce, Italy
Hanyang University Institute, Si Heung, South Korea